Thursday, May 14, 2009

Life in the "Happiness is a Voyage"

Nowadays, I just realize one thing ,
that it is true, that Happiness is not a goal,
it' s our voyage........
so don't ever put that at the highest level of the pyramid of needs,
but covered it all with your feel of happiness itself.......
That's why, me, a complicated thinky,
always want to engraved every details
of that voyage become a note.
With all my wishes that it could be useful
for my lovely daughter, that she will be able
to take little lesson of life
that I can't explain to her right now.
Or just only could be my best diary at the very least....
all I know is, I just want to write it
because can not talk it...what can I do..?
Forgive my incompetency in everywhere you read this ,
in grammar, in phrase, or anything inconvinient to you...

Just can't talk it, 'cause I feel it, so I can't stop it in my mind except,write over it.



Gratefulness is the key to a happy life that we hold in our hands, because if we are not grateful, then no matter how much we have we will not be happy -- because we will always want to have something else or something more.Yours is a nice blog.

Aubrey.ade said...

@Jacqueline : Thank You, I'm agree with you,too